Coronary Artery Diseases (CAD) & Angioplasty - Concept Medical

Coronary Artery Diseases (CAD) & Angioplasty

Coronary Arteries are major blood vessel which supplies blood to your heart muscles. This facilitates the heart to beat and pumping blood throughout the body. Fatty deposits that have accumulated within the arterial walls may be the cause of the coronary arteries narrowing. The reduction in blood flow to the heart muscle due to these narrowed arteries caused by the obstructions & deposits is known as coronary artery disease (CAD).

Coronary arterial ailment symptoms and signs develop when the heart does not get enough oxygen-rich blood. Coronary artery disease frequently takes years to develop. Before a substantial blockage causes issues or a heart attack happens, symptoms could go unrecognised. A cholesterol plaque that may rupture forms a blood clot and obstructs a coronary artery by breaking open, which can result in a heart attack. The cardiac muscle may become harmed by a blood shortage. Depending on how quickly you receive treatment, the extent of the damage may vary. Shortness of breath, intense shoulder or arm discomfort, sweat, and crushing chest pain or pressure are common indications and symptoms. Some heart attacks don’t result in any observable symptoms or indicators.

What is Angioplasty & how it helps in CAD?

An angioplasty is a minimally invasive surgery that can improve blood flow by widening or unblocking a heart-related artery. Dr Andreas Gruntzig of Switzerland performed the first successful percutaneous coronary balloon angioplasty in 1977. This treatment entails carefully guiding a catheter with a small balloon attached through the artery to the lesion (blockage), which is then inflated to expand the artery and open it up to improve blood flow to the heart.

For more than four decades, it has developed with the help of various ground-breaking tools and methods. To maintain the artery open after the balloon is deflated and removed, a stent (scaffolding) is frequently implanted during the treatment.

  • Following angioplasty, the blood flow via the coronary arteries is enhanced.
  • Numerous people discover their symptoms dramatically improve to better after this minimally invasive procedure, and they can perform better than before.
  • An angioplasty can boost a person’s probability of surviving a heart attack in the later period of life more than clot-busting medicines.
  • Also, the catheterization procedure can de-escalate the probability of unknown heart attacks.
  • Being a minimally invasive procedure, the person undergoing angioplasty can be resumed to normal life routines in a short time of span and continue a healthy lifestyle.

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